Originally written in English and translated into Traditional Chinese.
I’ve always had an artistic spirit,
Felt different to all,
It started with these 3 words the kids at school use to say,
Weird, ugly, dumb,
It got darker the older I got,
I tried to free myself,
I retreated to my music, escaping from the world,
Not wanting to deal with anyone or anything,
Deeper in the rabbit hole of depression I got, not even realising how far I was going,
I had disconnected from my home, from reality, from myself,
Reality was a concept I struggled with till I realised that who I was, was not the definition of what I went through in my life.
Depression taught me to feel emotions on a deeper level.
Although it brought me more sorrow than happiness at that time,
It made me more conscious and aware of how I was feeling.
I embraced who I am, where I came from and where I wanted to go.
From being called weird to being called awesome.
Now I look back at those who judged me and think how I wish someone had taught them about compassion.
That is why I became a healer to help others understand.
Understand stigma,
Understand themselves,
And understand how to spread love, kindness, and compassion.
I have never been happier than I am today, because my struggles were the roads to my recovery.