I was first diagnosed with depression in 2008, and later it got severe and became anxiety and depression in 2021 during the pandemic when I lost all my job, my voice, and my father. It was a very dark time of my life. I felt like I was in a deep hole and I could not get out of it. During that period of time, I was seeing a psychiatrist and a counsellor. I was blessed that not only did they encourage and inspire me, but I also have family and friends who have been supporting me all the way through. With my faith, I was able to gain back my inner peace especially the strength to be back on stage. As a singer, my instrument is my body. One of the things that I have learned is that taking care of my mental health is as important as taking care of my physical health. It’s also important to accept and love the authentic “me”, and I don’t have to change or fix anything. I am enough. 🙂