COVID-19 Tips


This publication is based on a Mind UK publication and the original version may be found here:

Thank you to Mind UK for sharing their valuable content with us. Content included in Mental Health A-Z is made available free of charge and does not form part of any commercial activity. The adaptation has been done independently by Mind HK and is intended for general information purposes only.

What is pandemic fatigue?

Pandemic fatigue is defined as “demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviours, emerging gradually over time and affected by a number of emotions, experiences and perception” (World Health Organisation, 2020).  It is an understandable and natural reaction to the seemingly endless stringent measures. You may consider it as a kind of burnout or chronic stress during a  prolonged public health crisis; when the preventive measures to tackle the pandemic disrupt all aspects of our lives.

Download PDF version here:
English | Traditional Chinese

What causes it?

The uncertainties around COVID-19, the constant changes around the restriction policies, and seemingly never-ending waves of cases can make us feel tired and exhausted.  It is normal to feel fatigued and emotionally drained over what is happening, such as the social distancing measures, cancellation of plans and gatherings, 24/7 streaming news, and fear of the virus, which can all add up to induce a high level of stress.

Being stuck in the perpetual routine of wearing masks can be difficult. It is important for you to know that whatever you are feeling right now, your emotions are valid. Adherence and adaptation of public health interventions and rules to control the pandemic require sufficient control and mental effort, which can be taxing on our wellbeing.


What are the signs of pandemic fatigue?

We may notice different symptoms when we are experiencing pandemic fatigue. Sometimes you might be able to tell right away when you are feeling stressed, but other times you might keep going without recognising the signs. Stress can affect you both emotionally and physically, and can also affect the way you behave. Here are some of the signs that you might be experiencing pandemic fatigue:

  • Being less effective or less focused at work/school
  • Increased level of anxiety and vigilance
  • Not complying with COVID-19 rules and measures, such as washing your hands, wearing a mask and social distancing.
  • Getting tired of hearing anything related to the COVID-19
  • Lacking the motivation to do anything

You may feel:

  • Feeling irritated and impatient
  • Feeling apathetic towards the current situation
  • Feeling tired, even after getting enough sleep
  • Feeling depressed
  • Feeling lonely and isolated
  • Feeling emotionally exhausted and cynical about the future


Note: These are just examples of symptoms of pandemic fatigue. Not everyone who has developed pandemic fatigue experiences all the above symptoms; some cases can be mild. If you feel like it has impacted your life or you feel distressed, you may consider seeking professional help:


How does pandemic fatigue affect our mental health?

Although pandemic fatigue itself is not a diagnosable mental health problem, it poses a significant impact on your mental health. Being in a constant state of pandemic burnout or stress, without managing it, could lead to a mental health problem or exacerbate existing symptoms. People who experience unmanaged pandemic fatigue may find it harder to regulate their emotions and cope with daily stress.


What can we do to manage and prevent pandemic fatigue? 

It is important to intervene early before the symptoms get worse. If you notice any symptoms  of pandemic fatigue, here are different ways to help combat pandemic fatigue:

  • Recognise and acknowledge your emotions and feelings. It is normal to feel that way; this is a natural response when we are exposed to prolonged stress. You are not alone. Recognise your feelings and emotions and acknowledge their impact on your everyday life.
  • Take a break from the pandemic. If you feel frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed about the pandemic, take a break from it. For instance, take a break from social medial scrolling. Instead, distract yourself and engage in other activities that bring you joy, pleasure, or comfort.
  • Be compassionate. These are unprecedented times for everyone. In the face of increased pressure, we may find ourselves less patient and more irritable. We might even snap and take it out on people around us when the situation becomes too tense. If this is the case, apologise to those on the receiving end and let them know you are frustrated because of the situation, not personally or intentionally. We can all take a step further and be more patient with people around us, including acquaintances or strangers; we all need more compassion during difficult times.
  • Remain hopeful. Although the situation seems to be never-ending and hopeless at times, it is okay to hope for the best when we are prepared for the worst. Accept the fact that there are things beyond our control, and focus on what you can do to manage your worries and concerns.
  • We are all in this together. A silver lining to the pandemic is that we are all together to support each other, no matter who you are. Give yourself (and people around you) a pat on the back for your efforts and persistence in the long and everchanging journey of the pandemic.
  • Fill out our COVID-19 self-help guide to get a better understanding of what is going on and what you need to do:


Taking care of your well-being helps you minimise the impact of stress and build up your resilience. Resilience is your ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of life’s challenges. This is a learnt behaviour and it’s something that we can all take steps to achieve:

  • Maintain a healthy routine and take care of your physical health. Get enough sleep, eat regular nutritious meals, and stay active. Maintaining a healthy routine is especially important if you are currently working remotely.
  • Stay active. Try to move your body each day and avoid sitting for long periods (even if indoors), as exercise elevates your mood and lowers stress. Learn more about the benefits of exercise to physical and mental health here:
  • Try breathing exercises and stretching to relax your mind and body. There are online videos and apps that provide comprehensive guidance on carrying out breathing exercises and stretching your muscles. Or even do a short yoga class!
  • Connect with others. Spend time connecting with your loved ones, even if it’s virtual. Check in with how they have been, and be present and enjoy the quality time spent together. Having a supportive network is essential in protecting our mental health, especially in times of stress – it is important for us to know that we are not alone to face adversities.


How can friends and family support individuals who are experiencing pandemic fatigue?

Although there are a lot of uncertainties and many things that are out of our control, there are many practical steps you can take to support the people around you who are experiencing pandemic fatigue:


  • Keep in touch with friends and loved ones on a regular basis. Make an effort to catch up over a cup of coffee or even a simple phone call –  ask them about how they are getting on. They will be able to feel your concern and sincerity from the time you spend with them.
  • Help them identify their triggers. Sometimes they might not be aware of the signs of stress, and in this case, signs of pandemic fatigue. You can talk to them about the signs of distress you have observed, and discuss potential stressors or ways to manage them.
  • Be open-minded. Different people experience things differently, and it is valid to them. Listen to them with an open mind, with a non-judgemental and empathetic attitude. Being an active listener can make a difference.
  • Validate and reassure their emotions. Reassure them it is natural to have these feelings and emotions during challenging times, and it is okay to not be okay. Let them know that you are there to support them, and they are not alone in facing these problems.
  • Trust and respect them.
  • Show appreciation to your loved ones. Remind them from time to time of how important they are to you. Very often, a simple ‘How are you?’ or ‘I’m glad that you are in my life’ message shows that you care and value them.


What we can do

It is important to recognise our limits, and things that we can’t control, and focus on what we can do. Learning more about how the virus may affect ourselves and others, and different protective measures to minimise the chance of contracting disease, can increase our self-efficacy; a belief that we are able to protect ourselves in specific situations, like the current health crises. Increasing our levels of self-efficacy can be a great way to combat pandemic fatigue, and stay motivated to continue managing challenges brought on by the pandemic, which is a key protective factor for our mental health.


Take care of yourself and remember, when it comes to health, both our physical and mental health matters – as you navigate time, take the extra time to check in on your overall wellbeing.

What is iACT Service?

Improving Access to Community Therapies (iACT®) is one of the services from Mind HK. Trained Wellbeing Practitioners will offer initial assessment and early intervention for people dealing with mild to moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety, or other emotional difficulties.


The service includes 6-8 sessions of low-intensity psychological support, the flexibility of the service allows individuals to receive free and timely support when needed.

If you’re aged between 18 – 65 and are facing some emotional challenges, we would like to invite you to take an online assessment for us to gain a better understanding of your current emotional struggle.


If you’re eligible, we’ll get you connected with a Wellbeing Practitioner within two weeks to sort out the next steps.

The service runs for about 3 months and includes 6-8 support sessions, tailored to your needs.


We encourage you to attend all sessions and actively practice the tips and exercises provided by your Wellbeing Practitioner.

We take your privacy seriously. Your chats with the Wellbeing Practitioner are confidential.


We won’t share any of your info unless you’ve provided consent or if there are risks detected.

This programme isn’t suitable for people facing emergencies, major setbacks, or those diagnosed with serious or complex mental health conditions.


If you’re having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, this programme might not meet your needs, so please seek help right away. You can check out Mind HK’s “Find Help Now” page for immediate information and services.

Most of our Wellbeing Practitioners have backgrounds in psychology or counselling and are passionate about mental health. They’ve gone through about 140 hours of intensive training and completed at least 120 hours of supervised clinical practice over 9 months to ensure the quality of service.


They’re trained by accredited local experts in the mental health field, including clinical psychologists, counselling psychologists, counsellors, and psychiatrists. Plus, we regularly check how effective our services are. All service outputs and performances are subject to consistent monitoring.

Who is suitable for participating in this programme?

This programme welcomes anyone between the ages of 18 and 65 who may be feeling lost or facing emotional difficulties. Please note that this programme is not suitable for individuals diagnosed with severe or complex mental health conditions.

This programme is not suitable for individuals diagnosed with severe or complex mental health conditions, but suitable for those who experience mild to severe moderate anxiety, mild to moderate depression, or other emotional challenges. If you are currently experiencing a major setback or even having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please visit the “Find Help Now” page on our Mind HK’s website for immediate information and services.

After signing up, our Wellbeing Practitioner will contact you within two weeks to schedule a convenient time for a 45-minute conversation, either via video or phone call, according to your preference. During the conversation, the Wellbeing Practitioner will understand your current situation and help you gain a better understanding of your emotional state based on the questionnaire you filled out during application. Additionally, they will provide recommendations for appropriate community resources based on your needs, helping you take an important first step in taking care of your mental health.

Although the intervention procedure is mostly standardised, Wellbeing Practitioners will work flexibly with clients to address individual presenting problems and unique characteristics.

Our Wellbeing Practitioners are trained to support people who experience mild to moderate mental health difficulties primarily. This programme is not suitable for the situations mentioned above. If you are currently experiencing a major setback or even having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, please visit the “Find Help Now” page on our Mind HK’s website for immediate information and services.

Your conversations with the Wellbeing Practitioner are absolutely confidential. Any information about you will not be shared with anyone without your consent unless you or others are at immediate risk or the Wellbeing Practitioner has reason to believe that you may be in imminent danger.
Supervisors will monitor trainees’ development throughout the placement to ensure that they are meeting the required level of competency to pass the training course at the end of the placement.

Yes, it is necessary to book an appointment in advance by filling out the form. Additionally, you can select one of the five stores yourself. We will allocate clients to different Wellbeing Practitioners based on their chosen location.

Before having the conversation, we will ask you to fill out a basic questionnaire for preliminary screening assessment. This screening process aims to ensure that the training received by the Wellbeing Practitioners is sufficient to meet the needs of the individuals receiving the service. If it is determined after the screening assessment that the service is not suitable for you, Mind HK will provide alternative recommendations to ensure your safety and support.

For adults who are suitable for this service, all Wellbeing Practitioners have received training on how to identify and respond to safety and risk issues. If you have any concerns about the support process, the Wellbeing Practitioners have appropriate measures in place and will develop response plans based on the urgency of the situation. They can also access support from clinical practitioners from Mind HK or participating organisations.

What private training does Mind HK provide?

Mind HK provides 4 themes of mental health training, including: Supporting Self, Supporting Others, Family Wellbeing and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion).


Check out the brochure here for more information.

Mind HK provides a wide range of standardised mental health training, which can be tailored to different circumstances. Chat with our team to explore more

Our trainers come from a diverse, accredited pool of clinically experienced professionals. Check out our trainers’ biographies here.

Yes, the Mental Health First Aid class of Mind HK is internationally accredited by the MHFA International. The content and certification is delivered by trainers certified from the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong. You can find out our trainers accreditation here.

We are here to support your mental health education journey! Reach out to us and chat with our team.

Pandemic fatigue

What is pandemic fatigue?

Pandemic fatigue is defined as “demotivation to follow recommended protective behaviours, emerging gradually over time and affected by a number of emotions, experiences and perception” (World Health Organisation, 2020).  It is an understandable and natural reaction to the seemingly endless stringent measures. You may consider it as a kind of burnout or chronic stress during a  prolonged public health crisis; when the preventive measures to tackle the pandemic disrupt all aspects of our lives.

Download PDF version here:
English | Traditional Chinese

What causes it?

The uncertainties around COVID-19, the constant changes around the restriction policies, and seemingly never-ending waves of cases can make us feel tired and exhausted.  It is normal to feel fatigued and emotionally drained over what is happening, such as the social distancing measures, cancellation of plans and gatherings, 24/7 streaming news, and fear of the virus, which can all add up to induce a high level of stress.

Being stuck in the perpetual routine of wearing masks can be difficult. It is important for you to know that whatever you are feeling right now, your emotions are valid. Adherence and adaptation of public health interventions and rules to control the pandemic require sufficient control and mental effort, which can be taxing on our wellbeing.


What are the signs of pandemic fatigue?

We may notice different symptoms when we are experiencing pandemic fatigue. Sometimes you might be able to tell right away when you are feeling stressed, but other times you might keep going without recognising the signs. Stress can affect you both emotionally and physically, and can also affect the way you behave. Here are some of the signs that you might be experiencing pandemic fatigue:

  • Being less effective or less focused at work/school
  • Increased level of anxiety and vigilance
  • Not complying with COVID-19 rules and measures, such as washing your hands, wearing a mask and social distancing.
  • Getting tired of hearing anything related to the COVID-19
  • Lacking the motivation to do anything

You may feel:

  • Feeling irritated and impatient
  • Feeling apathetic towards the current situation
  • Feeling tired, even after getting enough sleep
  • Feeling depressed
  • Feeling lonely and isolated
  • Feeling emotionally exhausted and cynical about the future


Note: These are just examples of symptoms of pandemic fatigue. Not everyone who has developed pandemic fatigue experiences all the above symptoms; some cases can be mild. If you feel like it has impacted your life or you feel distressed, you may consider seeking professional help:


How does pandemic fatigue affect our mental health?

Although pandemic fatigue itself is not a diagnosable mental health problem, it poses a significant impact on your mental health. Being in a constant state of pandemic burnout or stress, without managing it, could lead to a mental health problem or exacerbate existing symptoms. People who experience unmanaged pandemic fatigue may find it harder to regulate their emotions and cope with daily stress.


What can we do to manage and prevent pandemic fatigue? 

It is important to intervene early before the symptoms get worse. If you notice any symptoms  of pandemic fatigue, here are different ways to help combat pandemic fatigue:

  • Recognise and acknowledge your emotions and feelings. It is normal to feel that way; this is a natural response when we are exposed to prolonged stress. You are not alone. Recognise your feelings and emotions and acknowledge their impact on your everyday life.
  • Take a break from the pandemic. If you feel frustrated, overwhelmed and stressed about the pandemic, take a break from it. For instance, take a break from social medial scrolling. Instead, distract yourself and engage in other activities that bring you joy, pleasure, or comfort.
  • Be compassionate. These are unprecedented times for everyone. In the face of increased pressure, we may find ourselves less patient and more irritable. We might even snap and take it out on people around us when the situation becomes too tense. If this is the case, apologise to those on the receiving end and let them know you are frustrated because of the situation, not personally or intentionally. We can all take a step further and be more patient with people around us, including acquaintances or strangers; we all need more compassion during difficult times.
  • Remain hopeful. Although the situation seems to be never-ending and hopeless at times, it is okay to hope for the best when we are prepared for the worst. Accept the fact that there are things beyond our control, and focus on what you can do to manage your worries and concerns.
  • We are all in this together. A silver lining to the pandemic is that we are all together to support each other, no matter who you are. Give yourself (and people around you) a pat on the back for your efforts and persistence in the long and everchanging journey of the pandemic.
  • Fill out our COVID-19 self-help guide to get a better understanding of what is going on and what you need to do:


Taking care of your well-being helps you minimise the impact of stress and build up your resilience. Resilience is your ability to bounce back and adapt in the face of life’s challenges. This is a learnt behaviour and it’s something that we can all take steps to achieve:

  • Maintain a healthy routine and take care of your physical health. Get enough sleep, eat regular nutritious meals, and stay active. Maintaining a healthy routine is especially important if you are currently working remotely.
  • Stay active. Try to move your body each day and avoid sitting for long periods (even if indoors), as exercise elevates your mood and lowers stress. Learn more about the benefits of exercise to physical and mental health here:
  • Try breathing exercises and stretching to relax your mind and body. There are online videos and apps that provide comprehensive guidance on carrying out breathing exercises and stretching your muscles. Or even do a short yoga class!
  • Connect with others. Spend time connecting with your loved ones, even if it’s virtual. Check in with how they have been, and be present and enjoy the quality time spent together. Having a supportive network is essential in protecting our mental health, especially in times of stress - it is important for us to know that we are not alone to face adversities.


How can friends and family support individuals who are experiencing pandemic fatigue?

Although there are a lot of uncertainties and many things that are out of our control, there are many practical steps you can take to support the people around you who are experiencing pandemic fatigue:


  • Keep in touch with friends and loved ones on a regular basis. Make an effort to catch up over a cup of coffee or even a simple phone call -  ask them about how they are getting on. They will be able to feel your concern and sincerity from the time you spend with them.
  • Help them identify their triggers. Sometimes they might not be aware of the signs of stress, and in this case, signs of pandemic fatigue. You can talk to them about the signs of distress you have observed, and discuss potential stressors or ways to manage them.
  • Be open-minded. Different people experience things differently, and it is valid to them. Listen to them with an open mind, with a non-judgemental and empathetic attitude. Being an active listener can make a difference.
  • Validate and reassure their emotions. Reassure them it is natural to have these feelings and emotions during challenging times, and it is okay to not be okay. Let them know that you are there to support them, and they are not alone in facing these problems.
  • Trust and respect them.
  • Show appreciation to your loved ones. Remind them from time to time of how important they are to you. Very often, a simple 'How are you?' or 'I'm glad that you are in my life' message shows that you care and value them.


What we can do

It is important to recognise our limits, and things that we can’t control, and focus on what we can do. Learning more about how the virus may affect ourselves and others, and different protective measures to minimise the chance of contracting disease, can increase our self-efficacy; a belief that we are able to protect ourselves in specific situations, like the current health crises. Increasing our levels of self-efficacy can be a great way to combat pandemic fatigue, and stay motivated to continue managing challenges brought on by the pandemic, which is a key protective factor for our mental health.


Take care of yourself and remember, when it comes to health, both our physical and mental health matters - as you navigate time, take the extra time to check in on your overall wellbeing.