Clichéd as it may be, anywhere with my beloved is where I most long to be. He once told me that scarred healers healed through their scars. When my symptoms flare up, his tender embraces always soothe my troubled soul.
Yet in those moments, I feel the rapid pounding of his heart and the dampness of his skin — telltale signs of the anxiety I’ve caused him. I know the turmoil he endures, the battles he silently fights alongside me.
A relationship must be nurtured through mutual effort. He has poured forth so much, often receiving but a trickle in return. I yearn to make him feel as safe and at peace as he has always made me.
And so this became the first step on my winding path to recovery – to honour the sacrifices of the one who holds my heart and to cultivate the harmony we both so deeply deserve.