Where/what has been important to you in your mental health journey? Why?
In 2014, my poor academic performance and the subsequent emotional breakdown drove me to finally seek professional help. I was officially diagnosed with ADHD and depression after seeing a psychiatrist. This diagnosis changed my life.
Journaling was what helped me deal with my emotions and cope with my mental illness. Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I journal. I love how I can freely express myself. I love the fact that I don’t need to care about grammar or word choices, because I am the only person who reads it. I love the feeling of relief after writing and closing my journal. I journal every single day. It’s important to bear in mind that finding a healthy coping method is a process of trial and error. Don’t feel frustrated that a certain way works for others, but not for you.
How has mental health affected your day to day life?
My depression made me too tired to do anything. I was so tired I couldn’t get up. I didn’t want to eat because I felt like eating and chewing were too exhausting. I could sleep all day as well because I was so fatigued.
How has the stigma around mental health affected your life?
When I disclosed my ADHD diagnosis to a relative, she responded with “everyone has it” and “you just need to try harder”.
My hope is that people will learn more about mental illness, so they are better able to support those who are experiencing challenges.
How would you describe yourself? What are your labels?
- Extroverted: During my recovery, I realised I am a very “people” person. It means being around people gives me energy. I love spending time with friends and family. I wouldn’t be here today without their support.
- Proud ADHDer: There are always two sides in everything, but having ADHD brings me a bubbly personality, and I am grateful for that. So, I am not ashamed of being a ADHDer.
- Diagnosed with depression: Being diagnosed with depression is a fact of mine and I could never change that. Like having ADHD, I am thankful for having this experience as it made me who I am today. I still receive treatment for my depression, but I’m on the road of recovery and that’s okay.
- Empathetic: I am easily moved by people or things that happen around me, but I don’t mind that at all. Being empathetic is my favourite trait.
- Hopeful: Hope was one of the things I held onto when I was struggling with my mental health condition. Though I didn’t feel hopeful all the time, I was certain that there’s hope in recovering.
Tell us about your life now
Even though I’m still taking medications every day, I would say I live in recovery. My definition of recovery is having stability. It doesn’t matter if I’m still taking medications or other forms of treatment. Recovery isn’t easy, but I’m doing great now! Recovery restored my will to live and motivation to have a healthy lifestyle (both physically and mentally). I hope my experience with mental illness can inspire people and encourage people to seek help when they need it.
What has your mental health journey taught you?
My mental health experience has taught me that self-acceptance is crucial for mental health. I know it is difficult for one to admit that they have a mental health problem, because I’ve been there. But it’s okay to struggle. The point is we have to accept our vulnerabilities. If we refuse to face our vulnerability, it will worsen our psychological well-being.